The primary goal of Mighty Roots Academy’s approach is to train students to be curious about the world around them which leads to a constant and lifelong learning mindset as students learn how to learn. Academic success is a natural by-product of this approach.
meaning that the student is better off listening to and reading books, exploring nature, and learning about the world around them than grinding through workbooks that really don’t teach as much as they might seem.
so that courses really aim for mastery of key skills, which takes time and focused attention. In developing these skills, students will learn how to learn, and thereby will be motivated, competent, independent, lifelong learners.
students by making the courses lively, inspiring, and centered around students’ individual interest and learning needs.
the opportunity to provide quality, age-appropriate instruction for both older and younger children at the same time.
in their desire to homeschool by providing a variety of courses and programs.
to learn alongside their children through extension activities at home which are provided by learning guides.
by sharing in the education of their children, so that through time apart parents can be refreshed and therefore better educators of their children when together.
students in principles such as humility, graciousness, and concern for others.
Are you interested in becoming a learning guide with Mighty Roots Academy?
The board meets at least twice yearly, typically in the Winter and Spring. Our last meeting was March 27, 2023. Meeting dates will be posted two weeks or more in advance when possible.
Meeting minutes are available by request by emailing
Christina Sandberg - President
Kelly VanVeldhuizen - Vice-President
Kristine Acuna – Secretary
Kim Sharp - Member
Mighty Roots Academy
3600 Blue Ridge Boulevard, Grandview, MO 64030, United States