The mission of Mighty Roots Academy is to provide active, multiage learning in a nature-rich environment.
At Mighty Roots Academy, we believe it is most important to develop the skills of independent learning that equip students for a lifetime of inquiry and growth. A true education builds the skills needed for becoming a lifelong learner. We believe that students benefit most when skill-building is the focus, no matter the subject.
Nature is at the core of our program at Mighty Roots Academy. We take learning outdoors as much as possible: exploring, playing and growing strong bodies and minds on our beautiful 5-acre campus.
Traditional schooling is one of the only environments in our culture where children only interact with others of the same age. By using mixed age courses, students always have someone who knows more than they do from whom they can learn, yet at the same time have someone they can help teach. This creates an environment where our staff become guides. Students learn that they are valuable and have something to contribute to the lives of others. They also learn how to seek guidance as they become life-long learners.
Our courses bring together learning from core subject areas, practical arts, and performing arts for an education that focuses on the whole self not just the mind. When students deeply explore their interests, the learning follows naturally with the guidance of our specialized staff.
At Mighty Roots Academy we do in order to learn. Our goal is that learning feels like play as students move, create, discover, imagine, and explore. Active learning helps foster a desire to always be learning as opposed to only learning while doing academic tasks.
Mighty Roots Academy
3600 Blue Ridge Boulevard, Grandview, MO 64030, United States